Delete without head pointer

You are given a pointer/ reference to the node which is to be deleted from the linked list of N nodes. The task is to delete the node. Pointer/ reference to head node is not given. 

Note: No head reference is given to you. It is guaranteed that the node to be deleted is not a tail node in the linked list.

Example 1:


N = 2

value[] = {1,2}

node = 1

Output: 2

Explanation: After deleting 1 from the

linked list, we have remaining nodes

as 2.

Example 2:


N = 4

value[] = {10,20,4,30}

node = 20

Output: 10 4 30

Explanation: After deleting 20 from

the linked list, we have remaining

nodes as 10, 4 and 30.

c++ implementation:

void deleteNode(Node *node)





Time Complexity: O(1)  

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