Subarray with given sum
Given an unsorted array A of size N that contains only non-negative integers, find a continuous sub-array which adds to a given number S.
Example 1:
N = 5, S = 12
A[] = {1,2,3,7,5}
Output: 2 4
Explanation: The sum of elements
from 2nd position to 4th position
is 12.
Example 2:
N = 10, S = 15
A[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10}
Output: 1 5
Explanation: The sum of elements
from 1st position to 5th position
is 15.
method: sliding window
- Maintain start and last index to store and print these values
- Iterate the complete array.
- Add array elements to current sum
- If current sum becomes greater than S, then remove elements starting from start index, till it become less than or equal to S, and increment start.
- if current sum becomes equals to S, then return the starting and last index.
- if the current sum never matches to S, then return -1.
c++ implementation:
vector<int> subarraySum(int a[], int n, int s){vector<int>v;int l=0;int r=0;int c=0;while(r<=n){if(c==s){v.push_back(l+1);v.push_back(r);return v;}else if(c>s){c=c-a[l];l++;}else{c=c+a[r];r++;}}v.push_back(-1);return v;}
Space Complexity: O(1)
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