Java Misc.:
- Length: array.length; ArrayList.size(); string.length();
- HashMap<T>.put(key, value); map.get(key);
- ArrayList:
- add(element)
- contains(element)
- get(index)
- LinkedList:
- add(element)
With or without an additional index argument. Without, adds to tail.
- remove(element/index)
- get(index)
- getFirst()
Dequeue if implementing queue.
- list.size()
- Stack:
- empty()
- peek()
- pop()
- push(element)
- search(element)
Returns offset from top of stack.
- Arrays.sort(primitiveArray);
- Collections.sort(arrayList);
- Primitive arrays have to be initialized with a capacity, ArrayLists don't -- they dynamically grow.
- currChar = theStr.charAt(i);
- From char to String and back:
- String s = String.valueOf(c);
- char c = s.charAt(0);
- char[] chars = s.toCharArray();
- From int to String and back:
- String str = String.valueOf(foo);
Note that this is the same as above!
- int foo = Integer.parseInt(str)
- The conditional operator can seem weird:
- int x = booleanExpr ? thisNum : thatNum;
Note that it has to return a value.
- But it's just equivalent to this:
- if (booleanExpr) x = thisNum;
- else { x = thatNum; }
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