Coursera: Machine Learning-Andrew NG(Week 1) Quiz - Linear Algebra

These solutions are for reference only.
try to solve on your own
but if you get stuck in between than you can refer these solutions

there are different set of questions ,
we have provided the variations in particular question in the end.
read questions carefully before marking


Linear Algebra




multiply each element by 3.

4.Let u and v be 3-dimensional vectors, where specifically
alt text
What is (u transpose * v)?


variations in 5th question:

5.Let A and B be 3x3 (square) matrices. Which of the following

variations in 4th question:

Let u and v be 3-dimensional vectors, where specifically


what is  ?
(Hint is a 1x3 dimensional matrix, and v can also be seen as a 3x1 matrix. The answer you want can be obtained by taking the matrix product of  and .) Do not add brackets to your answer.

reference : coursera