3)Arrays Dictionaries and Strings:

Arrays Dictionaries and Strings:

  • Hash tables are important! Note that insertion and find/lookup proceed through identical starting steps: hash the key and go to that table location. This enables the O(1) complexity for both.
    • Chaining is the common way to handle collisions. Just means each position is actually the head of a linked list.
    • Open addressing is the other method. Deletions are tricky with this.
    • Java has built-in hashcodes.
  • Python's dictionaries are implemented using hash tables. They are simply arrays whose indexes are obtained using a hash function on the keys.
    • Motivation:
      • "Think of a hash map as a "hack" on top of an array to let us use flexible keys instead of being stuck with sequential integer "indices."
      • All we need is a function to convert a key into an array index (an integer). That function is called a hashing function."
    • For the common case where I increment a key if it exists, but set it to 0 otherwise, use the get method:
      • my_dict[some_key] = my_dict.get(some_key, 0) + 1
  • Arrays offer easy random access but hard modification (have to move elements around).
    • In the worst case a larger array has to be reallocated too (but amortizes out).
  • In Java:
    • Use StringBuilder for expensive string concatenation. And for easy string reversal.
    • Everything is initialized to 0, including arrays.
  • Remember that chars are also ints.
  • Python only really has lists; arrays are just thin wrappers over C arrays.
    Always use lists unless have a really good explicit reason to need C-style arrays.

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