Static Members


● Singleton design pattern

● Static Initializers

● Enumerations (Enums)

● The final Keyword

Static Members:

Static data: When a variable is declared as static, only one copy of that variable is created and shared among all instances of the class. Static data is allocated at class load time and can be accessed without creating instances of the class. This means that all objects of the class share the same value for static data.

Here's an example code that demonstrates the use of static data in Java:

/* Java language */

public class Counter {
  private static int count = 0; // static data

  public Counter() {
    count++; // increment count for each instance created

  public static int getCount() {
    return count; // static method accessing static data

public class Main {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Counter c1 = new Counter();
    System.out.println("Count: " + Counter.getCount()); // Output: Count: 1

    Counter c2 = new Counter();
    System.out.println("Count: " + Counter.getCount()); // Output: Count: 2

    Counter c3 = new Counter();
    System.out.println("Count: " + Counter.getCount()); // Output: Count: 3

In the above code, the Counter class has a static data variable count that keeps track of the total number of instances created. It is shared among all instances of the class.

The Counter class also has an instance variable id that represents the unique identifier for each instance.

The constructor of the Counter class increments the count variable by one and assigns the current value of count to the id variable for each instance.

The getCount() method is a static method that returns the current value of the count variable.

In the Main class, we create two instances of the Counter class (c1 and c2). We can access the instance method getId() to get the unique identifier for each instance. We can also access the static method getCount() to get the total count of instances created.

Since the static data count is shared among all instances, any changes made to it in one instance will be reflected in all other instances. In this example, as we create new instances, the count increases and each instance gets a unique identifier based on the current value of count.

Static methods: Static methods belong to the class itself rather than individual instances of the class. They can be called directly using the class name, without the need to create an object. Static methods are useful for performing operations that don't require specific instance data.

Here's an example code that demonstrates the use of static data in Java:

/* Java language */

public class MathUtils {
  public static int sum(int a, int b) {
    return a + b;

  public static double average(double[] numbers) {
    double sum = 0;
    for (double num : numbers) {
      sum += num;
    return sum / numbers.length;

public class Main {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    int result1 = MathUtils.sum(5, 3);
    System.out.println("Sum: " + result1); // Output: Sum: 8

    double[] numbers = { 2.5, 4.7, 6.2, 3.9 };
    double result2 = MathUtils.average(numbers);
    System.out.println("Average: " + result2); // Output: Average: 4.575

In the above code, the Circle class represents a circle with a given radius. It has an instance variable radius and instance methods getRadius() and calculateArea() to retrieve the radius and calculate the area of the circle, respectively.

The calculateCircumference() method is a static method in the Circle class that attempts to calculate the circumference of a circle. However, it encounters an error because it cannot directly access the non-static variable radius from a static context. Static methods do not have access to instance-specific data.

To work around this limitation, we can use static data, such as the DEFAULT_RADIUS constant defined in the CircleUtils class. In the example code, the calculateCircumference() method uses this static data to perform the calculation.

In the CircleUtils class, we create an instance of the Circle class and demonstrate the use of both instance methods (getRadius() and calculateArea()) and the static method calculateCircumference(). We can access instance-specific data and behaviors using the instance methods, but we need to use static data or invoke other static methods when working with static methods.

Use of static data in instance methods: Instance methods have access to both static data and instance data. They can use static data directly since it is shared among all instances of the class. This can be useful for accessing common resources or maintaining a shared state.

Limitations of static methods: Static methods cannot directly access or manipulate instance data (non-static data). This is because static methods are not associated with any specific instance of the class and do not have access to instance-specific states. However, they can still use static data and invoke other static methods within the class.

Overall, static members provide a way to define data and methods that are shared across all instances of a class and can be used without creating objects. They are particularly useful for utility methods, constants, and shared resources that are not dependent on individual instances.

Singleton design pattern:

The Singleton design pattern is a creational design pattern that restricts the instantiation of a class to a single object. It ensures that only one instance of a class is created and provides a global point of access to that instance.

Key characteristics of the Singleton design pattern:

  • Single Instance: The Singleton class allows only one instance to be created and provides a global access point to that instance.
  • Private Constructor: The Singleton class has a private constructor, preventing other classes from directly instantiating it.
  • Static Instance: The Singleton class holds a static reference to the single instance that is created. This instance is typically accessed through a static method.
  • Lazy Initialization or Eager Initialization: The instance of the Singleton class can be lazily initialized (created when needed) or eagerly initialized (created in advance).

The Singleton pattern is often used in scenarios where there is a need for a shared resource or when multiple instances of a class could cause conflicts or inefficiencies. It ensures that all access to the singleton object is synchronized, allowing safe concurrent use.

Example use cases for the Singleton pattern include managing database connections, logging systems, thread pools, configuration settings, and caching mechanisms.

example code that demonstrates the implementation of the Singleton design pattern:

/* Java language */

public class Singleton { private static Singleton instance; // Private constructor to prevent direct instantiation private Singleton() { } // Static method to get the single instance of Singleton public static Singleton getInstance() { if (instance == null) { instance = new Singleton(); } return instance; } // Other methods of the Singleton class public void doSomething() { System.out.println("Singleton instance is doing something."); } } public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { // Get the Singleton instance Singleton singleton = Singleton.getInstance(); // Call a method on the Singleton instance singleton.doSomething(); } }

In the above code, the Singleton class has a private constructor to prevent direct instantiation from other classes. The getInstance() method provides a static point of access to the single instance of the Singleton class. If the instance is not created yet, it will be instantiated, and subsequent calls to getInstance() will return the same instance.

In the Main class, we demonstrate how to use the Singleton instance by calling the doSomething() method on it. Since there can only be one instance of the Singleton, any calls to getInstance() will return the same instance, ensuring that the behavior remains consistent throughout the application.

This example shows how the Singleton pattern can be used to create a single, globally accessible instance of a class, which can be used to perform operations or access shared resources.

Static Initializers:

Static initializers are used in Java to initialize static variables or perform other static initialization tasks. They are block of code that is executed only once when the class is loaded into the memory.

Here's how static initializers work:

  • Syntax: Static initializers are defined using the static keyword followed by a code block enclosed in curly braces {}.
  • Execution: Static initializers are executed in the order they appear in the class, and they run before any other static methods or constructors.
  • Purpose: Static initializers are typically used to initialize static variables that require complex or resource-intensive initialization. They allow you to perform actions that need to be done only once for the entire class.

Here's an example of using a static initializer:

/* Java language */

public class MyClass { private static int count; static { // Static initializer block count = 0; System.out.println("Static initializer executed"); } public static void main(String[] args) { // Accessing the static variable after class loading System.out.println("Count: " + count); } }

In this example, the static initializer block initializes the count static variable to 0. When the class MyClass is loaded, the static initializer block is executed, and the message "Static initializer executed" is printed. The main method then accesses the count variable and prints its value, which is 0.

Static initializers are useful when you need to perform certain initialization tasks that are shared among all instances of a class or require special handling before the class can be used.

Enumerations (Enums):

Enumerations in Java are a way to define a fixed set of named values that represent a specific type. They provide a more structured and type-safe alternative to using constants or integers.

Here's an example to illustrate enumerations:

/* Java language */

public enum DayOfWeek {
In this example, the DayOfWeek enum represents the days of the week. It defines seven constants: MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, and SUNDAY.

You can use the enum constants in your code like this:

/* Java language */

DayOfWeek today = DayOfWeek.MONDAY;

if (today == DayOfWeek.MONDAY || today == DayOfWeek.FRIDAY) {
  System.out.println("It's the start or end of the workweek!");
} else {
  System.out.println("It's a normal day.");
In the code above, we assign the MONDAY constant to the today variable of the DayOfWeek enum. We then use the enum constants in a conditional statement to check if it's either Monday or Friday.

Enumerations provide several benefits:
  • They ensure type safety since you can only assign valid enum constants to variables of that enum type.
  • They allow you to define a limited set of values, making your code more readable and self-explanatory.
  • Enum constants can have additional properties and behaviors associated with them, making enums more versatile than simple constants.
Overall, enumerations in Java provide a powerful way to represent a well-defined set of values and improve the clarity and reliability of your code.

The final Keyword:

The final keyword in Java is used to specify that a class, method, or variable cannot be modified or overridden.

Here's how the final keyword is used in different contexts:

Final Class:
  • A final class cannot be subclassed or extended by other classes.
  • It is used when you want to prevent further inheritance of a class.
Final Method:
  • A final method cannot be overridden by subclasses.
  • It is used when you want to prevent a method from being modified or extended in subclasses.
Final Variable:
  • A final variable is a constant and its value cannot be changed once assigned.
  • It is used when you want to define a constant value that should not be modified.
  • Final variables can be assigned a value either during declaration or later, but they can only be assigned once.
  • Blank final variables are final variables that are not assigned a value during declaration. They can be assigned later, but only once.

Here are some examples to illustrate the use of the final keyword:

/* Java language */

final class MyClass {
    // Cannot be subclassed

class MySubClass extends MyClass {
    // Compilation error: Cannot subclass final class

class Parent {
    final void myMethod() {
        // Cannot be overridden

class Child extends Parent {
    // Compilation error: Cannot override final method

class Constants {
    final int MAX_VALUE = 100; //final variable
    final double PI;           //blank final variable
    final String DEFAULT_NAME; //blank final variable

    public Constants() {
        PI = 3.14159;
        DEFAULT_NAME = "John Doe";

    public void modifyValues() {
        // Compilation error: Cannot modify final variables
        MAX_VALUE = 200;
        PI = 3.14;
        DEFAULT_NAME = "Jane Smith";

In this example, the MyClass is declared as final, so it cannot be subclassed. The myMethod() in the Parent class is declared as final, so it cannot be overridden in the Child class. The Constants class has final variables MAX_VALUE, PI, and DEFAULT_NAME, which are constants and cannot be modified after the assignment.

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