Producers and Suppliers
Write an SQL query to fetch the pairs (Producer_ID, Supplier_ID) where the producer has collaborated with the supplier at least three times.
Input :-
Business table :-
There is no Primary Key column for the Business table.
There is no Primary Key column for the Business table.
Output :-
Query :-
select Producer_ID, Supplier_ID from Business group by Producer_ID, Supplier_ID having count(*)>=3;
Explanation : -
This query is retrieving data from a table called "Business". The goal is to find pairs of Producer_ID and Supplier_ID that collaborated together at least three times in the table.
The data is grouped by the columns ‘Producer_ID’ and ‘Supplier_ID’. It means that rows with the same combination of ‘Producer_ID’ and ‘Supplier_ID’ will be grouped together.
There is a condition that filters the grouped results. The ‘count(*)’ function counts the number of rows in each group. The ‘>=3’ condition ensures that only groups with a count of three or more are included in the final result.
In summary, the query retrieves pairs of ‘Producer_ID’ and ‘Supplier_ID’ that occur together at least three times in the "Business" table. It provides a way to identify relationships between producers and suppliers that have a significant number of interactions or transactions in the business context.
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